your collection

Effortlessly manage your collection. From collection management to dashboard insights and data tracking, our platform offers a seamless and user-friendly experience.

Archive all your collection documents in one place

No storage limits, and no fees to manoeuver your collection. Gain smarter insights, make informed decisions, and better understand its worth.


Privacy and security

These are our top priority, with encrypted data protection and privacy that you control. Decide what and to whom you share your collection, ensuring your personal information remains secure.

Dashboard and Data

Track your portfolio's performance and gain valuable insights into the trends and movements within the art market. Stay informed and make strategic decisions based on real-time data and analytics.

COAs and provenance

Safeguard the authenticity and provenance of your artworks with our integrated system for (COAs) and tracking ownership history. Create and print COAs for all your artworks and establish a provenance chain to enhance their value.

Collect Privately or
Unveil Globally

Group your artworks into collections. Keep it private, share with friends, or unveil to the vast global art community.

Access via link

Anyone on the internet who has the link can view this collection.

Access locked

Only you can see and edit this collection. Change the access settings.

Transfer of ownership

Seamlessly transfer ownership of artworks within our platform, simplifying the process and ensuring smooth transactions between collectors.