registration and

When you click "Register artwork" you initiate the short process of taking possession of the artwork using your certificate voucher. You basically create a digital record of your artwork as the owner to get your Certificate of Authenticity (COA).

Verifying artwork

Artwork Verification is a free service to the art industry, clicking "Verify artwork", allows a user to view the tracked provenance history of any artwork in our system. The full provenance chain of the artwork is tracked and publicly available in the system

Verify artwork


Privacy matters

Collector’s privacy is critical. Some people LOVE to share their collection while others prefer to be anonymous and discrete. Personal information is in each user’s control so it can be completely private or public – private by default. All data is secure and encrypted

Experience registered artwork benefits

Receive a beautiful and secure COA

  • Choose your preferred COA version, a free one is included.
  • Certificate is recoverable if lost.

Create a digital record of your artwork

  • Stay organized and keep track of your artwork information from anywhere, anytime.
  • Easy to share when appropriate.

Protect your investment

  • Document the chain of ownership and help increase the value of your artwork.
  • Transfer ownership securely and transparently.

Unlock new tools thanks to your digital art record

  • Manage your art collection online and access all the analytics for free.
  • Share your collection with your community or keep it private.

Research with confidence

All certificates have a Confidence level signifying the highest level of certification. The higher the confidence the more you can trust the work, and less diligence you need to do.

A lower confidence does not affect the artwork or the provenance, it only lets the collector know how much diligence to do. Emails, invoices, contracts, historical photos, show catalogs, legacy COAs, and more can all be attached, making it easier to prove provenance and help validate the work.

Looking for more? Take your collection online and harness a suite of free tools.